Cementis assisted the Interamerican Development Bank, GIZ, and the Fundación Bariloche in carrying a Low CO2 Roadmap for the Chilean cement industry: The objective of the project was to promote the development and transfer of environmentally sound technologies (EST) in Latin American and Caribbean countries (LAC), in order to contribute(a) The ultimate goal of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and vulnerability to the effects of climate change (CCS) in specific sectors of the region.
The Project strategy was to build national capacities to identify, evaluate, develop and transfer environmentally sound technologies (EST) in the region. In order to achieve the objectives of this strategy, the project: i) promotes regional cooperation efforts; Support the Planning and policy-setting processes at the sectoral and national levels; III) serves as a platform for the demonstration of policies and mechanisms to facilitate the implementation of such technologies; and IV) mobilizes public resources and private.
Project execution consisted mainly in elaborating a Low CO2 Roadmap for the cement industry:
- Identifying the main potential CO2 mitigation levers
- Identifying the main obstacles including regulatory barriers to their implementation
- Proposing mitigation measures and action plan
- Identifying required CAPEX and calculate financial feasibility.
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