Cementis assisted EBRD in drafting a new Low-Carbon Roadmap for the Egyptian Cement Industry:
Following the Paris agreement all energy intensive industries around the world have to undertake actions to curb greenhouse gas emissions. In this context the Egyptian Government has requested the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) to develop a “Low carbon road map for the Egyptian cement industry”.
The main objectives of the assignment was:
a) Establishing a technology roadmap for a sustainable low-carbon future, with a view to move towards alternative low/no-carbon fuels and increased levels of enforcement of regulatory compliance.
b) A full and documented stakeholder engagement through consultation with relevant stakeholders following the finalisation of the draft (technical) report aimed to solicit a broad spectrum of views from industry, civil society and other stakeholders on findings of the report.
c) The production of a barrier analysis for a sustainable low-carbon future that identifies the legislative, regulatory and economic barriers to Egypt’s cement industry moving onto a low-carbon development path, including recommendations to overcome these barriers.
Cementis brought its deep experience of the cement industry to the consortium led by South Pole Group, in particular in assessing barriers and proposing practical and efficient actions to reduce GHG emissions (e.g. blended cement, alternative fuels, energy efficiency).
Under one of the most ambitious scenarios implying a reduction of the clinker content in cement from 89% (in 2015) to 80% (in 2030), a thermal substitution rate increase from 4% to 16% (through co-processing of alternative fuels) and a specific thermal energy consumption reduction from 3’790 to 3’621 MJ/t ck, CO2 emission per ton clinker could be reduced from 817 kg CO2 /t clinker to 694 kg CO2 /t clinker. This will represent 11.4 million tons CO2 emission reduction by 2030 and 2.8 million tons of coal per year that will no longer have to be imported.
This report has been approved by all stakeholders including the Egyptian cement industry and represents a major milestone in improving GHG emissions. Its practical implementation has already begun and EBRD, assisted by Cementis and South Pole, is advising the Egyptian Government on the execution phase.
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